Welcome to Yogasan and Pranayam android application!
In this application, yogasan and pranayam have been discussed. There are eight limbs of Asthanga yoga:(1)Yam(2)Niyam(3)Asan(4)Pranayam(5)Pratyahara(6)Dharana(7)Dhyan(8)Samadhi. In this application focus has been given on third and fourth limbs, i.e.Asan(Yogasan) and Pranayam, of asthang yoga.There are many types of Asan and Pranayam,but it is not possible for human perform all types daily in the busy life. Therefore, most important five types of yogasan and five types of pranayam have been described in the application. Padamasan,shavasan,vjraasan,trikonasan and gomukhasan are most five important yogasan to do daily for good healthy life.Anulom-vilom, kapalbhati, bhramari, bhastrika and bahaay pranayam are most important five types of pranayam to get good healthy life. If anybody perform these types of yogasan and pranayam daily,he will certainly get healthy life,strong body and peaceful mind.How to perform abovementioned types of yogasan and pranayam, their benefits and precautions while performing, have been discussed in detail in the application. Yogasan and pranayam should be performed simultaneously to get the good result on the mind and body. Yogasan impact on the body while pranayam give impact on mind. Both mind and body should be healthy for happiness in life. Therefore, this application may be tool of happiness in human life.
If you have any query and any questions:
Kindly e-mail at brajraj009@gmail.com
欢迎Yogasan和Pranayam Android应用程序!
在这种应用中,yogasan和pranayam进行了讨论。有八个四肢Asthanga瑜伽的:(1)阴(2)Niyam(3)牙山(4)Pranayam(5)Pratyahara(6)执持(7)莉(8)三昧。在这种应用重点是第三和第四四肢给出i.e.Asan(Yogasan)和Pranayam,asthang的yoga.There许多类型阿三和Pranayam的,但它是不可能的人在忙碌的生活中,每天执行所有类型。因此,最重要的五种类型yogasan的五类pranayam已在申请中。 Padamasan,shavasan,vjraasan,trikonasan和gomukhasan最日常的健康好life.Anulom-vilom,kapalbhati,bhramari,bhastrika和bahaay pranayam做的最重要的五种类型pranayam来获得良好的健康生活五个重要yogasan。如果有人每天执行这些类型yogasan和pranayam的,他一定会得到健康的生活,强壮的身体和和平mind.How执行上述类型yogasan和pranayam,其好处和注意事项,同时执行,进行了详细的申请中讨论。 Yogasan和pranayam应同时进行,以得到心灵和身体的好成绩。在身体上,而pranayam给心灵上的冲击Yogasan影响。身心应该是幸福的生活健康。因此,这个应用程序可用于人类幸福的生活工具。